We were approached by Edgartown YC and St. Francis YC to help them to develop a new class for the younger and smaller kids that wanted to go into the 420. So rather than the old blown out mains brought to a sail maker to cut down we went with a new design to sail well with a lighter crew weight.
With this sail in surrounding clubs the transitioning 420 sailors can team race and develop skills in the 420. Your club can get more use out of the existing boats. This sail is not just meant for windy days. It will still move in lighter air with the lighter crews.
Most importantly, this is a tool to keep the kids that for whatever reason did not bond with the Opti and are old enough to choose other sports. Let's all keep them in sailing!
( R.A.D.= Reduced Area Design)
Read a Coaches review of the 420 Rad sail